Finding the Best Spot for Your Farmstand

Finding the Best Spot for Your Farmstand

The Farmstand can thrive pretty much anywhere - whether you'd like to grow indoors or out. All you'll need? A bit of light, plus easy access to water and power.
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Finding the best spot for your Farmstand is the first step in setting yourself up for success! You will want to find a level area that gets as much direct sunlight as possible, at least 6 hours a day, and is near a water and power source. If you do not have an outdoor area that gets enough sunlight, you can grow indoors using our Glow Rings!

Watch the video below for more information and keep reading for more specific details!


The Farmstand only takes up 2’ x 2’ feet of space! It is helpful to find a space where you can access every side of the Farmstand so you can easily maintain and harvest plants. A dolly can be used to easily rotate the Farmstand if you are in a small space.

The area where you place your Farmstand should be level to ensure that water is properly dispersed within the Farmstand. If it is slanted then water will not flow to the elevated side causing seedlings planted there to wilt and die. Depending on the area, shims can be used to level the Farmstand.


To operate, your Farmstand will need a constant connection to a GFCI power source in order to run the water pump that disperses water and nutrients to the plants. Find a nearby plug or use an extension cord to power your Farmstand. If you do not have a GFCI enabled outlet, you can use a GFCI adapter or extension cord!


You will need to fill the Farmstand with water once a week during your weekly maintenance (and sometimes more often than that if you live in an area with high summer temperatures) so it is beneficial to be set up nearby a hose or other water source. A hose (or a sink or bathtub if you are growing indoors) will also be helpful during quarterly resets.

A watering can or bucket can also be used to fill your Farmstand. Its reservoir holds 20.5 gallons and plants don’t use as much water indoors so it will only take a few trips each week to fill it back up.


Your Farmstand needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day to thrive. We do not recommend placing your Farmstand in a spot that gets diffused light. If you aren’t sure if a spot will be a good fit for the Farmstand, periodically check it or take a photo throughout the day to see how much light it gets.

A dolly can be used to rotate your Farmstand if it is set up in an area where only half of it will get sun exposure. However, this will extend your plants’ harvest windows since they are getting the sun exposure they need every other week.

Growing indoors is a great option if you do not have an outdoor space that works. Make sure that you use our Glow Rings since the ambient light in a room is not strong enough to power healthy plant growth. Windows can also block out essential parts of the UV spectrum that plants need for photosynthesis.

Inadequate sunlight will lead to leggy growth. This will result in plants that are outstretched and have developed non-compact growth as they reach out in search of a sunnier area. You may need to restart with fresh plants if this happens as plants cannot recover once they have become leggy.

Read this resource for more information on indoor growing!

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Placing your Farmstand in a shady spot. This will lead to slow and leggy growth. While some plants can handle a little bit of shade, all plants need sun exposure in order to produce healthy growth. South or east-facing spots usually make the best growing locations.

Placing your Farmstand under a north-facing overhang. North-facing locations will receive less sunlight and overhangs will only decrease the amount of sunlight your Farmstand receives. Keep in mind, even a south-facing covered patio will cause the backside of the Farmstand to see reduced growth.

Placing your Farmstand too far away from the kitchen. Place your Farmstand close to walking paths so you can monitor your plants as they grow and easily bring them into the kitchen when they are ready!

That's it! If you have any questions about finding the ideal spot, we're here for you! Contact us and we'll be glad to help.


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