Anyone who grows their own food learns that when you love plants, they love you back. And while farming can be unpredictable sometimes, we'll be there with you every step of the way, to help you with the natural ups and downs that come with growing plants.
Here's how it's gonna work:
1. We've Got Your Back!
We curate the plant varieties we send you based on your feedback about what you like to eat, start the seedlings, prepare the nutrient blends, and send you more as you need them. We're also here to walk you through everything you need to know from set-up to harvest, and we're here to answer your questions.
2. Farming Is Like Meditating
A quick, daily check-in with your plants is all it takes. Listen to the water pump cycle the luscious nutrient water over your plants' roots, check the water level in the tank, look for any insects or disease, listen for the bees buzzing, and start tasting the leaves of your soon-to-be favorite foods.
3. Hydroponics Does the Hard Part
As long as your Farmstand is plugged in and your pump is running, it's all very light work. No back breaking soil to till, no manure to shovel, no weeding, no toxic chemicals to spray, just a little easy-peasy housekeeping - we're talking about 10 minutes a week.
4. There's Always a New Day
Some plants may need to be trimmed back or seedlings that didn't make it tossed in the compost, but never fear - you'll always have an opportunity to start again with fresh seedlings. It's all part of the cycle called life!
5. We Are Family
When you become a Lettuce Grow farmer, you're joining a community of like-minded growers who love to help and support each other, share recipes and growing tips, and are working together to create the world's largest distributed farm.
It's not always going to go perfectly, and that's part of the beauty of this journey. Plants are part of nature, and sometimes in nature, things don't make it (but most times they do). Each time something doesn't work, you learn a little bit more about plants, about yourself, and about nature. So don't fret - on top of all that, we've anticipated many of the challenges you might face and designed a system that is as close to foolproof as Mother Nature allows. So polish off your sense of adventure because we are here to grow some food.
Go ahead, get growing - you've got this!