Quarterly Resets

Quarterly Resets

Seasonal resets keep your Farmstand clean and running smoothly!

It is normal for your Farmstand to get a bit dirty over the course of a growing season. Dirt and dust can settle on the outside, large root systems can develop on the inside, and debris, nutrients, and other sediment can accumulate in the reservoir. These are all common occurrences in hydroponics.

In order to keep everything clean and running smoothly, we recommend a thorough cleaning on your Farmstand every 3 months (once a season). We refer to this process as a ‘reset’. Here is what this process involves:

1. Remove all plants (eat plants that are ready for harvest, compost unhealthy plants, and set anything you plan to put back onto the Farmstand to the side)

2. Wash the outside of your Farmstand

3. Disassemble and clean each section (and grow cups - they are reusable!)

4. Remove water from the reservoir and rinse the inside

5. Re-assemble your Farmstand

6. Add fresh water and nutrients (4 tbsp of each)

Watch the videos below for information on resetting your Farmstand and keep reading for more details!

Outdoor Resets

Indoor Resets

Why It's Important to Reset Your Farmstand

Large Root Systems

Plants develop extensive root systems inside of the Farmstand as they mature. These can fall apart or dip into the reservoir where they can potentially clog your pump and make it difficult to remove seedlings from the Farmstand. Additionally, dense root systems can block or divert water from other seedlings on your Farmstand which can cause them to wilt and die.

Remove Old Water

It is normal for debris to accumulate in the bottom of your Farmstand’s reservoir throughout a season. This is typically made up of root debris, dirt, pieces of grow medium, and nutrient or pH down precipitate*. Replacing this with fresh water makes it easier to balance pH, allows plants to absorb nutrients, and removes conditions where algae and bacteria flourish.

*This refers to dissolved nutrients that separate from the liquid solution and form solids. It typically resolves itself and the nutrients dissolve on their own.

Make Room for New Seedlings

Resetting your Farmstand gives you the opportunity to remove older seedlings that have past their prime or are no longer suited to the current weather. Plants can bolt, become unhealthy, and attract pests or disease when they reach the end of their lifecycle or are grown past their ideal growing season. Removing these plants during a reset helps growers enjoy their harvests and makes room for new seedlings!

Starting Fresh

If you are dealing with a large pest infestation, fungal issue, or other problem that is affecting a large portion of your plants then you may want to consider resetting your Farmstand. These issues can be difficult to fix once they affect most of your Farmstand. A reset is an effective way to remove the problem so new seedlings stay healthy.

It can be helpful to leave your Farmstand empty for a few days after a reset to ensure any pests or disease have completely gone.

How to Take Care of Plants During a Reset

You can also keep the plants in your Farmstand and replant them once your reset is complete! Here is what you need to do:

1. Remove the plants in your Farmstand (keeping them in their grow cups)

2. Place the plant’s grow medium and root system in a bowl or tub filled with water to keep them hydrated

3. Put them in a shady or partially shaded area

Plants may experience some shock when they are replanted after a reset. They can look slightly wilted, experience some browning on their leaves, or drop flowers. This happens because they are adjusting to the new environment but it should pass after a few days to a week.


All About Seedlings


The Seedling Lifecycle