I got my first farmstand when I switched to a plant based diet a few years ago. I had looked at different indoor hydroponic gardens and liked that Lettuce Grow's farmstand was modular. I've since added a second farmstand to have a consistent source of fresh greens, herbs, tomatoes and other seasonal additions.
I've been mostly very happy with it and it's been a great addition in my home. I have only north facing windows and was concerned that the glow ring lights wouldn't be enough for good plant growth - but happily things worked out fine. The people at LG have been a great support and are very responsive to all of my questions. I've had it for just about 4 years now. I've had some problems with leakage and parts needing replacement...which seems about par for something that runs 24/7 and has a lot of water flowing through it. I've always been able to get replacement parts easily.
I've been very happy with my farmstands! Everyone should have one.